
Steps to Start Delivering Brillium Exams to Thinkific Students.

This article provides steps for Thinkific users, with a Brillium trial or paid Brillium subscription, through the process of defining a Brillium Assessment, and configuring it for delivery to Thinkific students. Following these steps will ensure a successful integration between Brillium and the Thinkific platform.


When creating a Brillium integration, it is a good practice to create a separate workspace for the assessments that will exchanging data with external paltforms. This is not required, but can reduce the effort required to maintain and organize the assessments that will be accessed through another platform versus assessments accessed directly or through other forms of integration, such as Zapier, Learning Management Systems, HRIS systems, or websites).

Create a Workspace

  1. Select the Settings () icon
  2. Select Workspaces
  3. Right-click on the Workspace name that you wish to add a Workspace. This will add a Workspace below the selected Workspace in the hierarchy.
  4. Select "Add Workspace" from the drop-down menu that appears.
  5. Enter a Workspace name


Respondent Fields are used to collect demographic information for students that complete your assessments. When integrating Brillium data with a Thinkific account, this information needs to include additional Thinkific data beyond name and email address. Some of this information is sent by Thinkific to ensure the proper student score is associated with the correct Thinkific student.

Thinkific automatically populates four Brillium Respondent fields with student information to help Brillium send data back to the correctly matching student when an assessment is completed. Configuration of Respondent Fields is a process which only needs to take place ONCE for each Workspace used for Thinkific exam integration.

To configure Respondent Fields:

  1. Select the gear icon and choose Respondent Fields from the menu that appears.
  2. From the Predefined Set dropdown list, select Thinkific
  3. If results already exist in your Brillium Workspace, a warning message may appear. Selecting the Confirm button on the warning page will save the change.

Brillium Respondent Fields Editor screen

You will now see that the Thinkific data fields are configured and ready. The next step is to create a Brillium assessment (if you do not already have one).


Contact Brillium Support if you need assistance activating Thinkific Respondent fields.
If you have not already created an assessment, create an assessment with Assessment Builder.


In addition to a Unique ID, each Brillium assessment has an Assessment Key (referred to as an “Exam Password” in Thinkific). Like the Unique ID, this is automatically generated when an assessment is created but can be changed, if desired.

To change the Assessment Key, choose the Properties tab in Assessment Builder and select the Change button.


  • Select Assessments from the main menu
  • Select the ellipse icon next to the Assessment, located under the Actions column
  • Select the link icon from the action menu that appears
  • The Assessment Key is the series of alpha-numeric characters that follows “key=”

Assessment key highlighted in assessment URL


Select the Requirements tab.

The Requirements tab is where the Introduction information, Agreement Terms, Login Page demographic fields, and Assessment Logout Options are defined. In Assessment Builder, Logout Options tell Brillium where to return the student after the assessment is completed.

When using Brillium with Thinkific, students that have completed an assessment will typically be directed back to Thinkific. This action will also confirm to the student that the assessment results are properly received and processed by Thinkific for the related Exam lesson. This is accomplished by customizing the Logout button and associated action under the Assessment Logout Options.

  1. Navigate to the Assessment Logout Options section of the Requirements tab.
  2. Next to Button Action, select Web Link.
  3. Change the Button Label as desired (i.e. “Return to the Course”, see below for further explanation).
  4. In the Link After Assessment field, enter the specific link back to the exam defined in the Thinkific course player. This is the URL for the Thinkific page where the student clicked the button to begin the exam.
  5. Select Save.

Assessment Logout button settings


It is recommended that the Link After Assessment takes student back to the course page that launched the assessment, making it easier for students to continue with additional lessons. We also recommend that the logout Button Label be named in a way that encourages students to return to the Thinkific course page. Example button labels may include "Return to Course", "Review My Results", or "Confirm My Score".


Select the Feedback tab.

The Feedback tab is where the end of assessment Pass or Fail feedback summary are defined. When creating a test, quiz, or certification exam in Brillium, a Passing Score for the assessment must be defined.


When defining a passing score in Brillium, it is important to ensure the score matches the passing score defined in Thinkific.

To set the passing score, enter the score percentage number in the Passing Score field on the Feedback tab. The number must be between 1 and 100.


Select the Integration tab.

The Integration tab is where parameters are defined to indicate where Brillium will send results once the assessment is completed. There are several integration methods available in Brillium, but to send student assessment results to Thinkific, the POST-FORM method must be used.

To define assessment integration parameters for an assessment, perform the following steps:

  1. For Integration Method, select POST – Form from the dropdown list
  2. The Link Password field may be left blank (see additional information under the Optional Assessment Builder Settings section of the Integration using HTTP POST and GET knowledge article.
  3. For Postback Method, select Blind Post from dropdown list
  4. The Postback URL field defines the Thinkific provided URL for Brillium to send the assessment results. This is typically in the form: “”
  5. Select Save.


Be sure to use the Thinkific provided URL, and not the Thinkific custom domain if one has been set up. If assistance identifying your Thinkific site URL is required, please contact the Thinkific Support team

Brillium Integration tab settings

With all of the settings defined in Brillium, return to the Thinkific account to create an Exam lesson.


The final step is to define the Exam lesson in Thinkific with the proper settings to launch the assessment, sending the student to the Brillium exam, and ensuring the results are properly received by Thinkific when the exam is complete.

Create a Thinkific Exam Lesson

Within the Thinkific account, create an Exam lesson and enter the proper information in the following fields:

  • Title: Enter an exam title.
  • Brillium Root URL: This is the URL of your Brillium exam. This URL will be unique to your account and only include the domain and subdomain portion of your URL. For example, if your Brillium instance is at:, the root URL will be:
  • Exam ID: This is equivalent to the assessment Unique ID in Brillium. (this can be found in Assessment Builder)
  • Exam Password: This is equivalent to the Brillium "Assessment Key" defined on the Assessment Builder Properties tab.
  • Entry Hash Password: When used, this is defined as the Link Password in the Brillium Assessment Builder Integrations tab. While this setting is recommended, it is not required.
  • Passing Grade: This can be any number between 1 and 100. Ensure that it is the same value as entered in Brillium within the Assessment Builder Feedback tab under Passing Score.
It is important not to include any other additional information in the ROOT URL field, such as assessment link information like: "?aid= " or anything that appears thereafter. The ROOT URL should ONLY appear in the form:

EXAMPLE: Thinkific Exam Lesson Configuration

Example Brillium Thinkific Exam Lesson Configuration (Reference)


Be sure that your Thinkific course settings are saved, and Publish your course by setting the Course publish status to "Published"

Preview the Thinkific course and Exam Lesson:

  1. From the Thinkific Publish tab, select the PREVIEW button
  2. Select COURSE AS AN ENROLLED STUDENT from the PREVIEW dropdown menu


If you find that Thinkific integration is not working as expected, review the following to ensure the exam setup is correct between both Brillium and Thinkific.

Review the instructions in this article to ensure important steps were not missed.
Ensure that the Brillium URL is correctly entered in the "Brillium root URL" field in the Thinkific exam.
Ensure that the Assessment Unique ID is correctly entered in the "Exam ID" field in Thinkific
Ensure the the Brillium Assessment has an Assessment Key.
(When assessments are imported, the Assessment key is not imported (for security reasons), and one must be assigned after Import is completed.)
Ensure that the Brillium Assessment Key is correctly entered in the Thinkific Exam Password field
Ensure that the passing grade in Thinkific matches the passing grade in Brillium.


When using advanced scoring in Brillium Topic settings, the scores may not match to those in Thinkific due to the required Topic scores in Brillium not being met by the student during the assessment attempt.
Ensure that the "Link Password" in Brillium matches the "Hash Password" field in Thinkific.
Ensure that the Brillium assessment "Postback URL" is correctly entered on the Brillium assessment Integration tab (i.e.
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