

In the Administration application, all Recruiters (Users) of Talent Management must be assigned to a Team to have access to any data within Talent Management.
Corporate Recruiters and Contract Recruiters will have privileges according to their Team with regards to Job Position Management, Candidate Management, and Invitation Management.

Talent Management Teams

  • Talent Management Global Team: created by Brillium and is reserved for Corporate Recruiters, allowing them to see all Job Positions and all Candidates
  • All Other Teams: reserved for Contract Recruiters. It's recommended to give this these Teams the name of the Contract Agency


Job Position Privileges

  • Corporate Recruiters
    • Fully manage all Job Positions with their tenant
    • Grant access (share to collaborate) to a Job Position to a Team of Contract Recruiters (not individually to a user).
    • Grant access to a Job Position to multiple Teams of Contract Recruiters
    • Revoke Job Position access at at any time
  • Contract Recruiters
    • Only view Job Positions that Corporate Recruiters have granted access to their Team
    • Cannot Add, Edit, or Delete Job Positions
    • Cannot grant access to Job Positions, nor see a list of grantees

Candidate Privileges

Candidate uniqueness should be validated across the whole organization.

  • Corporate Recruiters
    • Fully manage all Candidates within their tenant
  • Contract Recruiters
    • Only fully manage candidates added by their team
    • Cannot manage or view Candidates added by Corporate Recruiters or by Contract Recruiters from another Team

Invitations Privileges

  • Corporate Recruiters
    • Fully manage all Invitations within their tenant 
  • Contract Recruiters
    • Only fully manage Invitations between Candidates added by their Team and Job Positions they have been granted access to.
    • Cannot view Invitations created by Corporate Recruiters or by Contract Recruiters from another Team