
Exchanging Brillium data with an AICC compliant Learning Management System is a reliable way to get learners to and from an LMS

Exchanging Brillium data with an AICC compliant Learning Management System (LMS) requires each Brillium assessment to be configured to exchange data with the LMS in an AICC compliant way. A Brillium Workspace must first be configured to use the proper AICC Respondent Fields and the assessment must have one of the AICC compliant Integration Methods selected on the Integration tab of Assessment Builder.

Once the Brillium Workspace and assessments are properly configured for AICC integration, the AICC compliant Learning Management System (LMS) application must be configured to properly connect with the LMS's AICC course linking mechanisms.

This guide provides details and guidelines to properly configure a Workspace and assessments for AICC integration with an LMS. Where possible, suggested guidelines to use when configuring an AICC compliant LMS application are also specified. For help with a specific LMS application, contact the application vendor.

Configuring Brillium for AICC Integration

Brillium Configuration

The following steps must be performed within a Brillium Workspace.


All assessments within a workspace inherit the Respondent Field, Assessment UI, and Default settings. When AICC is configured, all assessments within the Workspace. Create separate Assessment Workspaces for each integration method. AICC requires a set of static Respondent Fields
  1. Create a new Assessment Workspace by selecting Settings→Workspaces and right-clicking the current (top most) Workspace
  2. Enter the workspace by rIght-clicking the workspace just created and choosing "Enter" from the drop-down menu
  3. Create an assessment


    There are no restrictions when creating assessments that use AICC integration. Any Brillium Topic or Question type may be used. The AICC standard does not transmit detailed data that would prevent an Brillium assessment type to work properly.
  4. AICC requires a set of specific pre-defined set Respondent Fields selectable from within Brillium. From any page, select Settings (gear icon)→Respondent Fields.  Select AICC Compatible from the pre-defined set dropdown list and confirm the selection. Any Respondent Fields already defined will be lost and replaced with the Predefined Set selection. Save the changes

    Respondent Fields Editor screen

  5. For each assessment in the Workspace, the Integration settings in Assessment Builder must be specified through the following steps.
    1. Select an assessment by clicking on the name or by selecting the Edit (pencil) icon from the ellipsis menu
    2. In Assessment Builder, select the Integration tab
    3. From the Integration Method drop-down list, select the appropriate AICC method in accordance with your LMS provider implementation, either AICC - Pass/Fail or AICC - Completed/Incomplete. (refer to your Learning Management System documentation for more information)

Assessment Integration Options screen

AICC Compliant LMS or Application Configuration

Method Selection

Most Learning Management Systems (LMS) support two methods of configuring AICC compliant content. The first and most simple method is via a single URL that links to the content on the Web. The second method is via Course Structure Data Files.

Single URL Format and Structure

Use the following URL format as a guide for linking to the content:

Within the above example, there are several key elements:

  • represents the DNS domain of your Brillium instance. The first section of the domain, "mycompany", represents the Brillium instance DNS sub-domain.
  • "myassessid" represents the Assessment ID of the Brillium assessment being linked. This may normally take the form: "A031XK4DZEPX"
  • "mypass" represents the Assessment Key (referred to as assessment password in early versions of Brillium) of the assessment you are linking to.

Example AICC URL

Below is an example for an assessment ID of "MATH101" that has an Assessment Key of "MYPASS":

Course Structure Data Files Setup

This method of course setup is more common in enterprise LMS environments and allows greater control.

TIP: More information regarding this type of AICC configuration can be found at the AICC website ( in the document number CMI001, entitled "CMI Guidelines for Interoperability AICC".

AICC Level 1 complexity, as defined by AICC guidelines, is the simplest level and requires the following four course structure data files:

  • MyCourse.CRS
  • MyCourse.AU
  • MyCourse.DES
  • MyCourse.CST

Creating Course Structure Files Automatically

Brillium creates course files automatically. View and download the AICC course files with the following steps:

  1. Select Assessments from the main menu.
  2. Select the link icon from the ellipsis menu next to the AICC integrated assessment
  3. Select the course files to download them individually OR download the single combined ZIP file.
  4. Import the course files into your LMS

AICC Course Files screen

Creating Course Structure Files Manually

Although Brillium can automatically generate these files for you, following are some examples of each of the required files if you decide to create your own course files. Use these examples when building your own courses in an AICC compliant Learning Management System or application.

The following set of course structure file examples represents a course that is composed of two assessments. The first is a simple assessment that tests the respondent's addition (mathematics) skills. The second is also a simple assessment that tests the respondent's multiplication skills. The Assessment IDs are MATH101 and MATH102 respectively.


Course structure files, as shown below, are not required when using the Single URL method of AICC integration described above.
.CRS File Example (Math101.CRS)



This course is a set of assessments that test the AICC compliance
of Brillium. The assessments ask simple mathematics questions.
.AU File Example (Math101.AU)

“System_ID","Type","Command_Line","File_Name","Max_Score","Mastery_Score", "Max_Time_Allowed","Time_Limit_Action","System_Vendor","Core_Vendor" "A001,"Assessment","","","100","60","","","Brillium","NA=0" "A002,"Assessment","","","100","60","","","Brillium","NA=0"
.DES File Example (Math101.DES)

"A001","MATH101","Mathematics 101 - Addition","This assessment tests the respondent's skills in addition."
"A002","MATH102","Mathematics 102 - Multiplication","This assessment tests the respondent's skills in multiplication."
.CST File Example (Math101.CST)


AICC Communication Data Returned to the LMS

The following information will be communicated back to the LMS upon the successful completion of the assessment by the respondent.

  • Respondent’s Session ID (used to locate record in LMS to be updated)
  • Lesson Location (always indicates “end” telling the LMS they are complete)
  • Score (value from 0-100 based on the points earned versus points available)
  • Time (total time from beginning to end of assessment expressed as hh:mm:ss)  Lesson Status (either “pass” or “fail”)

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