
Brillium Administration

The Brillium Administration application gives Brillium administrators the tools to create and manage Users, Teams and User Roles for all Brillium applications.

A User is an individual that can login and access a Brillium Application, such as Brillium Assessment Builder. Several users can be collectively assigned to a team, which holds a defined set of access privileges that apply to all members of the team.

A user Role is a named set of software feature and function privileges that can be assigned to a user or team.

For example, a user that is defined as a Brillium Administrator, holds the Organization Super Admin Role. In addition to having the ability to create users, teams, and roles, Organization Super Admins are able to assign access to specific assessments and workspaces in Brillium Assessment Builders and to create Customers in Brillium Partner Central.

The video above looks at a few example use cases to help illustrate how Brillium Administration is used to manage user and team privileges.


Each Brillium account comes with a set of default user Roles. These Roles can be copied and used as a basis for creating new Roles, if desired.  The default Roles available to Brillium Administrations are:

Organization Assessment Admin

This organization-wide role can create and manage all aspects of Brillium Assessment Builder for the Organization (all Workspaces), including creating, modifying and deleting, Workspaces, Assessments, Results, Reports and Respondents.

Workspace Admin

Create, edit, and delete Workspaces, Respondent Fields, Assessments, Courses, Results, Files, Email Templates, copy Assessments between Workspaces, modify Default Assessment Settings, and view Audit data.


Create, edit, and delete Assessments and Courses, copy Assessments between Workspaces, manage Files, and modifty Default Assessment Settings, create and modify Email Templates.

Content Reviewer

Can view and modify existing assessments and related settings, courses, view, manage and download Results, and Score Essay questions.

Essay Grader

Can Score Essay questions and view assessment Results.

Result Admin

Can view Audit data, view, modify, and manage Courses, Results (including delete), score Essay questions, and Download Results.

Result Viewer

Can view view Courses, Results and Download Results.

Technical Administrator

Create, edit, and modify Assessment Builder Rules, Feedback, Properties, Requirements, Conditional Feedback, Certificate, and Notifications tabs, and configure integration and API settings.


Can view Assessments, Courses, view, modify and download Results, view and edit Email Templates.

Support Portal Access

Access Brillium Support Portal to create and submit support requests, and access and participate in Brillium Forums and Ideas communities